이화여자대학교 일반대학원 약학과


(24/04/11) 신약개발세미나 박우람 교수

  • 약학과 관리자

▷ 연 제:Innovative Immune Cell-Targeted Gene Delivery Systems for Advancing Inflammatory and Cancer Therapies

▷ 연 사: 박우람 교수

-Dr. Wooram Park, Assistant Professor at Sungkyunkwan University since 2022, focuses on developing novel biomaterials for cancer immunotherapy, image-guided drug delivery, and tissue engineering. With a Ph.D. from the Catholic University of Korea and postdoctoral experience at Northwestern University, he has authored over 100 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious journals.

▷소 속: 성균관대학교 융합생명공학과

▷일 시: 2024년 04월 11일(목) 17:00

▷장 소: 약학관 A동 400호