(24/03/21) 신약개발세미나 정지헌 교수
▷ 연 제: Advancing Cell Therapy through Tissue Engineering Technology
▷ 연 사: 정지헌 교수
- Currently serving as an Associate Professor at Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, I hold editorial roles as an Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Controlled Release and the International Journal of Stem Cells, and as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation. My research endeavors focus on enhancing the therapeutic efficiency of cell-based medicines through the utilization of drug delivery and tissue engineering technologies.
▷소 속: 성균관대학교 의과대학
▷일 시: 2024년 03월 21일(목) 17:00
▷장 소: 약학관 A동 400호