
Merck Innovation Program for Young Scientists on Trialect

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Merck KGaA Innovation Program for Young Scientists


We have a posting on Trialect's GrantsBoard Platform soliciting applications for the Merck KGaA Innovation Program. This program invites applications from young biomedical scientists worldwide. Approximately 42 international students will be selected to participate in the Innovation Camp, scheduled to take place from July 19–25, 2025, near Frankfurt, Germany. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany will cover travel, accommodation, and food expenses fully. As the deadline is fast approaching, we encourage you to Explore Here

Trialect's GrantsBoard Platform


For over a decade, Trialect has been the trusted platform for for-profit, non-profit, and academic institutions to share opportunities, including research funding, project grants, and travel support, tailored to biomedical scientists and physicians. Encourage your students to  Register Free of Cost and explore a wealth of unmatched funding opportunities.